Chinese Christian Herald Crusades UK

青年園地︰How many of us find ourselves trapped in the endless cycle of “Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat”?

Wynne T





In my first two years of working as a junior doctor, I set out to be a doctor with a “life”. A life outside medicine. As arrogant as it sounds now, I was determined not to be one of those doctors who had nothing better to talk about than the cases they had come across at work.



I mentally gave myself three months of settling into work before finding a “life” outside of my job. Lo and behold! Three months in, guess who that sleep-deprived, stressed out person is who feels more like an imposter than a qualified healthcare professional? I quickly realised my top priority became “not accidentally killing someone”, “managing to eat at some point at work” and “getting enough sleep to last me through the next day”.



It is funny how things work out the opposite of how you had planned. Needless to say, I had quite literally fallen into the trap of “Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.”



I am currently in the middle of my sabbatical year out of full-time professional training. One of the goals I had set out for myself at the start of this sabbatical was to develop a hobby or habit that would last, even when I go back to full-time training. I looked for inspiration among my friends. One found great satisfaction in completing Disney-themed jigsaw puzzles. One was into DIY projects for her upcoming wedding. One went to gym classes consistently to keep active. Another made Youtube videos to spread positivity. Others spent their time after work feeding the homeless.



I tried different things. Watercolouring, swimming, blogging, taking up singing lessons, playing badminton, helping with translation for my pastor…… Some I enjoyed, others not so much! But with encouragement from my family and friends, I persevered with things I did not feel too confident about and let go of others I did not feel were right for me.



Humans are creatures of habit and it can seem difficult to step out of our comfort zone. However, I realised it was not as daunting as I had imagined to disrupt the mundane cycle of “Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat”, to find a passion or hobby and to stick to it. There are four simple steps I want to share with you.



Look for inspiration around you


It can be very overwhelming when you are on social media and see great people do great things. I can assure you that these people were not born great. It starts with an idea or inspiration. I was inspired by friends around me. Choose something small or simple that interests you and see where that takes you.



Look for people to keep you accountable


I am sure most of us have been very enthusiastic about something in the past and invested a small fortune or a significant amount of time, only for it to fizzle out after a short period. Just like how a gym instructor helps one with discipline and motivation, it is very helpful to have someone we trust to keep us on track with our goals. Have an open mind and expect challenging conversations with them to keep you grounded and accountable.



Set a timeline


“One day I will……” Does this sound familiar? When will that “one day” be? Set a realistic and achievable timeline. Give yourself enough time and space to try out something new. Share this timeline with the person who keeps you accountable. It does not have to be “full speed ahead” all the time. Planned breaks can be very effective at times.



Re-evaluate whether it suits you


We sometimes feel like we have failed if something we invest in does not work out. Do not be afraid to stop and re-evaluate the situation. Does this suit me? Have I given enough time to know this does not suit me? Is there something I feel is more suitable? What constructive feedback have I received about it? You can do a re-evaluation at any point on your timeline.



You don’t have to wait until the New Year to make a change or deviate from your normal routine. Break out of the mold of “Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.” Today is as good as any to get started!